Recent Events
Diversity in Libraries : challenges for 21st century procurement (May 26, 2017)
AGI hosted this seminar in North Training Room, Berkeley Library, Trinity College Dublin.
We had speakers on topics such as procurement and resource delivery for special needs patrons, the role of tendering in library collection development, the importance of usage statistics when making renewal decisions and how to ensure we are comparing like with like.
We also looked at the various methods of purchasing eBooks as either a package product or on a title by title basis, and a new way of browsing eJournals.
Past Events
AGI hosted a day-long seminar in Trinity College Dublin on Friday, May 23. Presentations were focused on experiences of, and approaches to Patron Driven Acquisition (PDA).
It proved to be a fascinating and hugely informative day. Huge thanks to all our presenters and attendees!
Slides from the day are below:
Karin Bystrom, Uppsala University
Karin Perols, Sodertorn University
Eoin McCarney, UCD
John Knowles, Queen's University Belfast
Julie Cleverley, Leeds Metropolitan University
Mary Kiely, DCU
Caleb Derven, University of Limerick
10:00-10:30 | Registration and coffee/tea |
10:30-11:15 | PDA checklist for academic libraries Karin Perols and Karin Bystrom |
11:15-11:45 | Print and Electronic Patron Driven Acquisition: A UCD Case Study Eoin McCarney |
11:45-12:15 | PDA: the Queen's University Experience John Knowles |
12:15-12:45 | Q&A Session |
12:45-1:45 | Lunch |
1:45–2:15 | Evidence Based Acquisition - The Alexander Street Press Model and Beyond Julie Cleverley |
2:15-2:40 | Patron Driven Acquisition / Evidence Based Selection - case studies of ebook acquisition at DCU Library Mary Kiely |
2:40-3:00 | Patron Driven Acquisition in the University of Limerick Caleb Dervan, Cora Gleeson |
3:00–3:30 | Panel Discussion / Q&A |
2012 - Mobile Technologies in Libraries
In December 2012 AGI held a symposium on Mobile Technologies in conjunction with LIR. Videos of the day's presentations are below:
Hugh Murphy, NUI Maynooth
Getting a handle on handheld
Alison McNab, De Montfort University
Mobilising your e-content
Samantha Drennan, Joshua Clark, UCD
The Mobile Library at UCD: Achievements and Plans
Ronan Kennedy, NUI Galway
Who's doing what: a quick guide of how providers are approaching mobile content
Jil Fairclough, Brighton & Sussex Medical School
Mobile Medical Education (MoMEd): putting digital mobile resources in the hands of medical students - impact, lessons learnt and the future
Louise Saults, NUI Maynooth
Kindles in the Library: NUIM Library Kindle Pilot 2011
Andrew Walsh, University of Huddersfield
Lemons, badges, fun and games: Gamification and Libraries
David Kane, Waterford IT
Delivering Library Services through a Virtual Learning Environment Plug-In
Ros Pan, UCD & ANLTC
Investigating library apps: their place in an overall mLibrary strategy and options for creation -